A FAMILY business in Waltham Abbey which uses the Olympic rings as a logo has been threatened with legal action by the organisers of the 2012 games.

Olympic Removals, which sits opposite the White water rafting site in Lee Valley Park has been told to pick another logo or face the consequences.

The family-run firm admit they are struggling in the face of the recession and fear that the court battle could see them close for good.

Business Manager Joe Kennedy said: "(company owner)Steve Tanner picked the Olympic rings because he wanted to be the best of the best. We've been using the symbol since 1987, I just think it's disgusting that we're being bullied like this."

The company, based in Station Road, has been told to remove the symbol from nine removal vehicles, company advertising and letterheads - at a cost of thousands, or be sued by 2012 organisers.

Mrs Kennedy said that the company will fight the case via the courts.

She said: "If it came to it and they did take legal action, we would have no choice but to fight it, we've had several supportive calls from people around the country.

"We've also had a firm in an Olympic borough who have said that they will make a donation to our fees if we require it."

"We don't have the millions of pounds they have behind them, but we won't give up."

A London 2012 Organising Committee spokesman said: “The Olympic symbol is the most valuable asset of the Olympic movement, and is integral to us privately raising the £2bn needed to stage and host the Games.

"We are obliged to prevent its use by third parties who do not have an official association with the Olympic movement, whilst respecting the rights of those who are able to do so under the law.

"We are unable to comment on individual cases. However, LOCOG deals with every matter on a case by case basis and will always take a reasonable and pragmatic approach.”