A CHINESE restaurant has been fined after mouse droppings were found in spring rolls.

A customer reported the restaurant after discovering the droppings in rolls bought from Good View in Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, which had been given to a two-year-old.

The council’s Food Safety Team launched an immediate investigation and found the restaurant’s kitchen and storage areas covered in droppings.

Owner Vanso Tran was fined £300 and ordered to pay £2,110 costs after pleading guilty to three food safety offences at Waltham Forest Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (December 8).

Cllr Afzal Akram, cabinet member for community safety, said: “I’m horrified that a restaurant thinks its acceptable to serve food contaminated with mouse droppings and I am very pleased the owner has been successfully prosecuted.

“Risking the health of residents by showing a cavalier disregard for proper hygiene practices is completely unacceptable and this court case shows we will not hesitate to prosecute irresponsible restauranteurs.”

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