WEEDS, litter and leaves were cleared from an "unkempt" war memorial by a political group at the weekend.

Walthamstow Anarchist Group (WAG) collected five bags of refuse from the area around the memorial at the Territorial Army barracks in Lea Bridge Road on Saturday.

The group carried banners saying "Politicians lie, we die" and "Troops out of Iraq", as part of a protest against politicians sending the working classes off to war.

A spokeswoman for WAG said: "The state of this memorial is symbolic of how politicians happily spend millions on sending young working class people to kill or be killed.

"But they do not care about lives that are lost in the wars they start.

"Blair and his cronies lied to start the war in Iraq which is mainly about defending the global oil supply their exploitative economic system depends on.

"Now the people of Iraq and London are suffering the violent consequences. We have to start fighting back to stop politicians ruining our lives."

The protest also marked the launch of a new leaflet by the group entitled So You want To Join Up, aimed at Walthamstow residents in the cadets or Territorial Army. The leaflet details information WAG says army recruitment officers will not tell young people when they join up.

For more information on the group and the anti-militarist campaign they are running, visit www.walthamstowanarchy.org.uk or call 07910 393284.