Since its start in 1981, the London Marathon has stuck to its well-known route across the capital.

Much of the course remains largely unchanged and includes many of London’s most iconic landmarks old and new.

From Greenwich’s Cutty Sark, Tower Bridge and the Mall at the finish line, the landmarks are a great way for runners to know how far they are along the route.

The course is largely flat thanks to London’s smooth concrete roads making it the perfect running condition for all the athletes.

What is the London Marathon route 2024?

The London Marathon starts between Greenwich and Blackheath where thousands will be gathered as a klaxon marks the start of the event.

It will then travel through the boroughs before going around Greenwich park and heading towards the Cutty Sark where crowds will be gathered.

From that point, the route will go towards and over the River Thames where mile 13 will mark the halfway point.

Once on the other side of the Thames, the route will follow the river's curved nature before heading inland.

At mile 20, runners will overcome the ‘Wall’ before following the race route back around towards Tower Bridge.

From there the route goes alongside the Thames towards the embankment and Westminster, where you can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben all in one spot.

East London and West Essex Guardian Series: See What's On.See What's On. (Image: Supplied)

The view of the London Eye will mark the final mile, as runners make their way through the City of Westminster and towards Buckingham Palace.

Finally along the Mall is where the finish line can be found and crowds will be waiting to praise the brave runners.

To see a full breakdown of the route head to the London Marathon website.


How many miles is the London Marathon?

The London Marathon is not for the faint-hearted, with its miles upon miles of tracks.

Altogether the marathon is 26.2 miles.

The race is that long as all marathons are set at 42.195 kilometres which converts to 26.2 miles.

The length was first decided by the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) back in 1921.