A BMW was stolen from outside the owner’s driveway by thieves who bypassed the car’s security system.

The two car thieves spent twenty minutes using what police have described as a “sophisticated electrical device” to activate the car’s key code before driving it away from Forest View, Chingford, at about 8.20pm on Tuesday.

The incident was captured on private CCTV but no appeal or description has yet been issued by the Met.

PC Darren Brand wrote to households in Chingford Green ward to warn BMW owners to take extra precautions against theft, including an extra car alarm or steering wheel lock.

He added: “This method has been used on numerous occasions recently and BMW are aware and are currently attempting to deal with the problem.

“We are conducting numerous operations targeting such criminals but would appreciate your help in reviewing your own car security.”

Car crime has spiked in Chingford recently, from 12 in September to 49 across October and November in Chingford Green ward alone, compared to a borough average of 16.

Records show 17 motor vehicle crimes – including thefts from and of vehicles - were committed in October, with a further 32 offences occurring last month.

Police were criticised after closing an investigation into a man’s stolen car on the same day as the theft occurred last week.

There have also been reports of BMWs being targeted by thieves in Wanstead.

A BMW spokesman told the Guardian it was looking into a possible issue with the cars’ onboard computers, which technicians use to diagnose any problems with the cars.