Youngsters from a Woodford Green school raised £250 for a children’s hospital ward.

The year four pupils from St Aubyn’s School collected the money by selling homemade cakes to their classmates.

They also created posters with positive slogans to display on the walls of the Acorn Ward at Whipps Cross Hospital.

The project was part of ‘Go-Givers’ a child-led citizenship project for Key Stage 2 pupils, which is funded by the Cabinet Office and Pears Foundation.

It was the children’s own choice to raise money for Acorn Ward.

After presenting a cheque at the hospital, they visited the Victoria and Albert Museum to give a presentation on their work.

The children’s teacher, Miss Spence, said: "The challenge gave the opportunity for the children to work together and develop the skills to debate, plan, and execute a project for the benefit of people in their local community.

“I have seen the children grow into young caring individuals with the ability to show empathy for those less fortunate than themselves.”