An art group enticed new members to sign up with offers of free cake.

Art Group Wanstead organised a baking competition on Christchurch Green over the bank holiday weekend.

There were 13 entries and anyone signing up to join the group was treated to a slice of cake.

Siobhan Lincoln’s creation was judged to be the tastiest and she was presented with a handmade cakestand created by Art Group member Andrea Morton as a prize.

Art Group member Tomasz  Wlodarczyk said: “One of our members had been watching the Great British Bake Off and said they thought it would be a good way to attract people to our stall.

“It certainly worked and we got quite a few new members on the day.

“I tasted all the cakes. They were delicious. I think we'll definitely be doing this again.”

Art Group Wanstead are preparing for this year’s Arts Trail which takes place in September.

Members’ art will be displayed in shops across Wanstead during the festival. Anyone interested in taking part must sign up within the next few weeks.

To find out more visit