A parish is the first in the district to announce plans to officially map out how it wants its villages to look.

Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Parish Council is about to start speaking to residents about its parish plan, which will have to fit in with the district council’s plan for where an estimated 10,000 homes will be built over the next two decades.

Tim Dickenson, of Gainsthorpe Road in Bobbingworth, is on the working party for the neighbourhood plan, which can be formed under the Localism Act 2011.

The 42-year-old said: “It will cover land use in the widest sense, including affordable housing, the environment, building and facilities such as schools and access to broadband services.

“The district council will say how much growth they expect in our area. This is our opportunity to say how our community wants that.”

Once the neighbourhood plan is finished, it will become part of Epping Forest District Council’s plan for the district, which developers will have to follow when putting in planning applications.

Mr Dickenson said: “We’re just starting to build people’s awareness. The greater piece of this is going to be to consult people and that will mean householders and businesses in the area.

“We will be asking people questions and giving them a chance to speak freely about their views.”

The local plan attracted protests in September, after it became clear that green belt land was being considered for development.

More information on the plan can be found by visiting www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk.