A young man has been charged after two men threatened people with a fake gun.

Salum Jobe, 22, of Buckrell Road in Chingford, is accused of possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence after the incident in High Street, Walthamstow, on Monday.

Two men, aged 22 and 21, approached three other men outside Sainsbury’s at around 12am, producing an authentic-looking Desert Eagle pistol, with which they began threatening the group.

The pair quickly made off down High Street, and police were called to the scene.

When the pair saw them one of the men ran into Pretoria Avenue, where he dumped a shoulder bag before being caught in Mission Grove.

While officers were arresting the man, the 21-year-old walked into the street and was also arrested.

When police opened the bag they found the fake gun, but thought it was real until it was later found to fire ball bearings.

The 21-year-old was released with no further action and no-one was hurt in the incident.

Jobe is on bail until he appears at Snaresbrook Crown Court on July 31.