Volunteers are being sought to take part in a new Waltham Forest scheme to help safely return those with dementia or memory problems if they go missing.

The scheme, called Neighbourhood Return, seeks to establish a network of volunteers who will be on hand to help search if someone with memory problems goes missing in their neighbourhood.

Backed by Waltham Forest Council, local police and voluntary organisations, all volunteers need is a mobile phone and willingness to help.

Once registered volunteers receive a text message if someone goes missing and if available to help the volunteer will be sent details of the person and instructions on where to search.

Carers, friends and family can register their loved ones’ details and a photograph so the charity has them should the person go missing.

Cllr Liaquat Ali JP MBE, Waltham Forest Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion, said: “If we get enough volunteers onboard we can really help the local police when someone goes missing, which at the moment happens to be once or twice a week.”

Deborah Ginns, the project manager, said: “Volunteering for the scheme isn’t a big ask, you won’t be called out regularly and if you aren’t available to search, for example you aren’t at home, you just need to text back ‘no’ to say you can’t help.”

She added that you only search within about a mile of your registered address and for under two and a half hours, but can stop at any time.

Each year some 40,000 people with dementia go missing for the first time.

For more information visit www.ourturn.org.uk or phone 0116 229 3118.