Foodies and lovers of the countryside can experience working farms in one month on Open Farm Sunday when nearby farms open their gates to the public.

The eighth annual event, organised by Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF), showcases British farming and gives people the opportunity to see how food is grown and produced.

Farms across the country, including nearby Lee Valley Park Farms, are to welcome visitors on June 9 and offering them the opportunity to discover the story behind their food and see parts of the countryside normally off limits.

Activities include farm tours, nature walks, milking demonstrations, sheep shearing and tractor and trailer rides.

Visitors will be able to learn from farmers how natural plant and insect species are encouraged to thrive alongside crops and they will get a close-up look at farm animals.

New farms are registering daily and the team can notify you if a nearby farm signs up.

LEAF is a national charity that helps farmers produce food with care for the environment while working with their local community.

Visit  to see which farms are taking part.

For up to date Open Farm Sunday news follow @openfarmsunday on Twitter.