An up and coming artist has reached the final stages of a prestigious art competition for the second year in a row.

Charlotte Posner of Spring Grove, Loughton, could yet again have her paintings on show in the Royal Academy of Art Summer Exhibition, this year, now that she has made it through the to the finals.

The successful young artist, who has had work on display as far out as Singapore, New York and Hong Kong, is currently being filmed by the BBC, following the success of her submissions.

Each year around 12,000 people enter the competition to have their work included in what is seen as a major event in the art world.

Twenty-six-year-old Charlotte, who runs a children’s art academy in Loughton and has a studio in London, says that she is excited at the prospect of having thousands of people admire her creations.

She said: “It is really exciting. It’s nice because both of my pieces are through. It is quite nerve wracking, though.

“The summer exhibition is one of the biggest art exhibitions in the world. It has been going on for 225 years.

“It is not just for professional artists, anyone can enter.

“Half a million people will see the exhibition so I would love to have my work on display again.

“At the moment I am being filmed by the BBC’s Culture Show over ten days.”

Charlotte’s painting of the Royal Opera House made the final cut last year and gave her career a boost. Now that she is being filmed by the BBC, pictures and paintings often inspired by Epping Forest, could be set to storm the art world.

At the moment Charlotte and two friends are putting on an exhibition in London, which they prepared in just ten days.

Using images which they have taken using smart phones, Charlotte and fellow artist Sophie Percival, along with historian Morag Sheleg, have put together the Imaging Interiors Exhibition.

The trio’s work is on display between May 9 and 11 at the Lighgallery, Porchester Place, London.