An activity programme aimed at boosting children’s confidence has got off to a flying start.

The Epping Forest Bounce Project, launched last month, works with young people who have low self-esteem, helping them to have fun and over-come their fears.

After recently receiving a generous grant from the Big Lottery Fund, of £71,172, pupils from Ongar were the first to visit the scheme run by Epping Forest District Council, Loughton Flyers Trampoline Club and The Rural and South Local Delivery Group.

Over the next three years pupils from every school in the district will have the chance to attend the weekly session, to help them to improve their social skills and try the sport.

The project runs every Tuesday morning at Epping Sports Centre. To find out if your child could benefit from a trampolining workshop, contact Fabrizio on 01992 564567, or by Email at