Proposals to modify a parking permit scheme which has divided opinion in Wanstead will be discussed at a meeting on Monday night.

A one-year trial permit scheme was introduced in Addison, Dangan, Spratt Hall and Chaucer Roads in April 2012 after residents complained commuters were clogging up their streets.

But while many of those living on the roads have welcomed and defended the scheme, others in Wanstead have complained that the lack of parking spaces is harming local businesses.

In April more than 2,500 people signed a letter calling on the council to scrap the scheme, and while officers have stopped short of that they are proposing significant changes.

Under recommendations to be put before councillors on Monday, the Cambridge Park end of Addison, Dangan and Spratt Hall Roads would have a new one hour residents permit restriction between 11am-noon.

The same restriction would apply to the Christchurch Green side of Spratt Hall Road and the Spratt Hall Road end of Chaucer Road.

Current permit restrictions would remain in place elsewhere on all the affected roads.

Officers are also proposing to convert all day restrictions in parts of Grove Park, Nightingale Lane and The Avenue to a one hour ban between 930am and 10.30am.

Officers say the amendments should create up to 120 additional short term parking places.

Michael Powis, 72, of Grosvenor Road, is one of those who campaigned for changes to be made to the permit scheme.

He said: “I think that in terms of the original roads, this is a good solution.

“Nobody ever denied that those roads had a problem with commuter parking.

“The dispute arose from the fact that the permit scheme which the council brought in was the wrong solution.

“This seems far more sensible. It will allow people to visit the Green, use the playground with their children and then do some shopping on the High Street.”

Several businesses in the area claim their trade has been hit by the permit scheme.

Igor Bekaert who owns the café Belgique in Cambridge Park raised concerns about the CPZ a year ago and claimed that he was losing as much as £200 a day.

He said: “I think this sounds like a very good solution to the problem.

“Many businesses are dead between 11 and 12 anyway so the hour ban is fine.

“I think if this goes through it will provide a real boost for business.”

Residents who voted for the original CPZ proposals have also given the compromise a cautious welcome.

Alicia Hart, 39, of Addison Road said: “I do think some businesses have been a bit quick to lay all the blame for their troubles on the permit scheme.

“It has certainly made life a lot better for people in our road.

“But this does seem like a reasonable compromise and I would be happy with it.”

And Toni Russell, 66, of Spratt Hall Road, added: “In principle these changes seem reasonably fair.

“I hope this will bring an end to all the arguments. At the end of the day there are more important things in life to worry about.”

  • The proposals will be put before a meeting of the council’s area one committee in a public meeting at Wanstead Church School in Church Path at 7.15pm on Monday night.