More young people than ever are signing up to try their hand at an unusual sport.

Epping Archers, who will soon celebrate their 40th anniversary, have seen membership applications soar since the Olympics, last year.

Club secretary, 74-year-old Gordon Tigar, says that archery has really taken off in the district.

He said: “At the moment we are inundated with people who want to do archery, it is great.

“I’m not quite sure of the reason but we had a surge from the Olympics and it hasn’t died down.

“The waiting lists are quite long for the juniors because we do one on one work with the younger beginners.

“The draw with archery is that you can do your own thing and you can go at your own pace, not everybody excels in team sport.

“I joined in 1980, I was in the merchant navy so I could only play when I came home and couldn’t commit to playing for a team.

Club Chairman Roger Muggleton who has also been an archer for decades, says that one of the attractions is that it can be played by all.

He said: “I have been shooting about twenty years.

“We have inter-club competitions and because of the site at the airfield we can train as much as we like.

“It is something that people of all ages and abilities can get involved in.”

The club which trains at North Weald Airfield and at an indoor sports centre in Harlow will celebrate the 40 year mark on June 23.

Members and their families are invited to the fun day which will be held on the airfield and will include archery games and a BBQ.

Anyone wishing to join the club, or find out more about it can visit

See a video here: