Amateur filmmakers plan to show off east London in a music video for a Chas and Dave song which they hope will go viral.

Walthamstow Amateur Cine Club (WACC) is now looking for dozens of volunteers help them bring ‘Snake Eyes Bert’ to life, filling roles from lead actors in the film to extras, costume designers and set artists.

The song revolves around the famed pool halls and card games of east London, and WACC chairman Paul Reilly believes the whole movie could be shot on location in Waltham Forest.

He said: “It’s our first big project for a while which is really exciting. It’s only a five-minute song but for that we’re looking at a six-month shoot.

“We need a team to help film it, sort out the costumes, just about everything to be honest. Actors are always the people we’re looking for.

“I think we can find everything we need right here. If it comes off it would really complement the song – sinister, maybe creepy but definitely funny.”

The WACC, based in Stafford Hall in St Barnabas Road, Walthamstow, has been around for 64 years now, and regularly makes short films with members, using the club’s cameras, lighting and equipment to bring various ideas and stories to the screen.

But the club, which meets every Thursday, is looking to take advantage of the internet to really get the new project to really take off.

Mr Reilly, 56, said: “This would be a real first for us. It would be fantastic for it to go on YouTube and go viral. That’s the capacity of technology these days.

“There’s thousands of people making and editing films on their iPhones now. Technology that used to cost thousands of pounds is available to everyone, which is brilliant.

“But to make a top film I do believe it needs to be a team effort. To make a documentary or something quite professional you need the input of multiple people. The club has that experience.”

Mr Reilly said there were no copyright issues about making the film, as the club is licensed to use the song for amateur productions.

If you wish to help make the new project a reality please contact the club at