A charity is just a week away from holding a fair to help disabled teenagers through the shift from school to working life.

The Limes, which works with disabled children in Walthamstow, will hold the transition fair at William Morris School in Folly Lane on Wednesday, May 22.

The event will last from 2pm to 7pm and feature a variety of entertainment and activities, including an appearance from Stars in the Sky, the dating agency for adults with learning difficulties.

The fair helps disabled young people with the move from childhood into adulthood.

The charity is also undertaking a project to help its young people discover the history of their base, William Morris Hall in Somers Road, Walthamstow.

Its All Our Stories programme was launched with money from the Heritage Lottery Fund to help the children and teenagers learn more about the hall, built by a community effort in 1909.

The Limes chair Liz Fraser said: “It was built as a place to gather and the ethos of the groups meeting here at the hall, clearly resonates with the work the Limes is doing today.

“There is a rich history and we hope to share this with the community.”

The young people taking part are trying to express various aspects of the hall’s history by making a patchwork quilt.

Ms Fraser added: “We have had lots of volunteers supporting and taking part in the project and welcome any new volunteers from the community o come along and share their stories.”

She is looking for a photographer who would be able to document the project.