Betting shops in the borough are increasing to such a number that residents are speaking out against them and urging the council to step in - and one councillor says they put children at risk.

A host of different reasons have prompted people to speak up on the issue but they all have one thing in common – they think betting shops are bad for the area.

Marc Russell, of Diana Road, said: “I think, along with other people, that bookies damage areas, they don’t improve them.

“The area is on the change and we need delis, cafes, etc, not another bookies.”

He said he thought there were around 30 betting shops in Walthamstow and with the Arcade site development and the fact that Boris Johnson wants to make the area a ‘mini-Holland’ things are looking up for Walthamstow, but he thinks betting shops cashing in on this will drag Walthamstow down.

He added: “We must make Hoe Street from the Arcade site down to the William Morris Gallery a destination for the night time economy, Walthamstow has no night time economy and we desperately need it.”

“How can we stop them? The council must act.”

Councillor Geraldine Reardon said the borough already has too many betting shops.
She said: “They have become a blight on our high streets, sucking money out of the local economy and increasing the potential for anti-social behaviour and crime.


Having so many easy gambling and gaming opportunities inevitably has an impact on household incomes, putting the welfare of children and families at risk.”

Helen Emara, of Higham Hill Road, said the men hanging around outside a betting shop near her house smoking, drinking alcohol, littering and blocking the pavement forces her to cross the road to avoid them.

She said: “The other night I saw a couple had even brought chairs out and had settled in for the evening.

“The council recently sent out a survey asking what residents felt would make the shopping area more pleasant and my response was to get rid of the betting shop.”

Another resident, Christopher Malpas, who lives off Erskine Road, said: “I don’t believe the growing number of betting shops in Walthamstow adds anything to our area other than the opportunity for those with often the least disposable income to lose even more money playing highly addictive gambling machines.”

“Waltham Forest Council has on one hand been encouraging residents to use their local high streets as places to shop as well as socialise whilst at the same time allowing businesses to open that do the complete opposite of this."