Students of Sir George Monoux College are set to turn the tables on Education Secretary Michael Gove’s suggestion of lengthening the school day.

Students will tie an effigy of Mr Gove to the college gates to ‘see how he likes being chained to school’ with a protest at 12.30pm on May 29.

Socialist Students members held a ballot concerning Mr Gove’s plans to cut school holidays and lengthen the school day. It found 99% opposed holiday cuts while 88% opposed lengthening daily hours.

Suzanne Beishon, Socialist Students organiser, said: “We will not take this lying down – the overwhelming majority of students at Monoux said they wanted to get organised and protest against this attack.”

She added that already students are teaching are being stretched to the limit with figures indicating the average teacher works more than 11 hours of unpaid overtime every week.