A care provider has been commended following a random inspection from the Care Quality Commission.

In the latest round of reports on organisations which tend to the elderly and disabled, Honey Tree Court, Pyrles Lane, Loughton, was seen to be meeting all national standards.

Staff from the company provide care to the elderly, people with dementia and mental health issues, as well as those with physical disabilities.

In a check carried out earlier this year, inspectors found that patients were treated with respect, to the highest standards and that the company was well managed.

The CQC officer responsible for the inspection said: “People who use the service were given appropriate information and support regarding their care or treatment.

“There was a comprehensive range of informative literature available to inform people who used the service or who enquired about using the service. Records showed, and people confirmed to us, that the admission process involved people and their families or representatives.

“People therefore had an input into the development of their own care plans and knew what to expect from the service.

“People using the service told us they felt their dignity was respected, one person said, "They (staff members) respect my dignity as much as they possibly can in such an undignified situation."