As a team of 60 girls get ready to take on the Race for Life a mother has spoken of the strength and positivity of her eight-year-old child, despite her battle with cancer.

Aimee Winter, who lives with her parents and two brothers in North Weald was diagnosed with acute lumbastic leukaemia, when she was just two years old.

Despite fighting off the cancer the first time around, Aimee’s family were devastated to learn that it returned, earlier this year. Now, as she prepares for a bone marrow transplant, Aimee’s friends from Coopersale Hall School, Epping, and St Nicholas, Old Harlow are gathering together, along with their mums, to run in the race against cancer, this Sunday.

Mrs Winter, 39, says that she has been overwhelmed by the support of the children, their families and the courage of her child.

She said: “It is just so heart-warming that they are doing this for Aimee. “To see children being so generous and thoughtful, it’s incredible.

“She doesn’t think it but Emma Parr has been a god send. She’s been helping out with school runs and when she brings her daughter Emily round Aimee just lights up. She wants to do everything with Emily and no matter what she is going through she just gets on with it.

“Aimee keeps us all going, even in the hospital (Great Ormond Street) she is dancing and singing and getting up for lessons with the teachers.

“I can’t explain as a parent what it feels like to have a child battling cancer. When she was first diagnosed I just kept asking why. Why has this happened to this small, innocent little thing?

“But I can’t feel sorry for myself, not when Aimee is so brave.”

Thirty-five-year-old Emma Parr, also from North Weald, and her daughter Emily ran the Race for Life, last year, for Aimee.

Mrs Parr said: “They’ve been best friends since they were two. “Emily visits her in Great Ormond Street, she would do anything for her best friend.

“All of the children at the school heard about the race and they wanted to get involved to raise money to show that they support Aimee. We will all be wearing t-shirts for her.”

Anyone who wishes to sponsor the team, ‘Aimee’s Girls’, can text EPAR50 to 70070 for five pounds to be added to their phone bill, or visit