Almost two years after the official merging of a junior and an infant school, Ofsted inspectors have paid the site a visit, to find out whether or not the project was a success.

Now, staff, parents and pupils at Staples Road Primary School, Loughton, can breathe a sigh of relief as a glowing report shows that the amalgamation was a triumph.

Inspectors rated the school on Staples Road as ‘Good’ in every category except for behaviour and safety of pupils, in which the coveted ‘Outstanding’ rating was achieved.

In 2011 Staples Road Junior and Staples Road Infants were brought together under the watchful eye of Headmistress Veronica Wallace.

Mrs Wallace, who has been teaching since 1988, says that she never had any doubt that her school would succeed.

She said: “We are very pleased with the report.

“A lot of hard work and effort went into the merger, which has worked very well and I am so proud of the team here.

“I don’t think that the parents were particularly surprised, they know that this is a good school.”

Inspectors found that the school was well managed and achieving high standards.

An inspector said: “Effective and inspiring leadership from the headteacher, well supported by other leaders, has ensured a steady rise in the standards of achievement since the new school started.

In order to gain the full outstanding rating the school must set tasks for pupils which match their ability and ensure that clear guidance is given to each individual.

Mrs Wallace said: “That’s the thing that we are all searching for, that Holy Grail.

“We will keep driving forward and look at points in the Ofsted report to try to achieve it.”