A hole in a pavement that sent a mother and her baby tumbling into a busy road was reported to authorities a week before it was made safe.

Sanet Le Grange, 35, tripped in the hole as she pushed her two-month-old son Louis along the pavement in Loughton High Road in his pram on Thursday.

Essex County Council put a cover over the hole to make it safe on Tuesday, but councillor Chris Pond said he had reported it a week before.

He sent a message to the council members’ hotline on the morning of May 7 saying: “Grave trip hazard near pedestrian crossing 255 High Road.”

A council worker replied, saying his enquiry would be dealt with.

He was sent an email today saying: “Following a robust risk assessment, please be assured that this has been made safe with a plastic cover to prevent it from being a trip hazard.

“To enable us to carry out a complete repair there are various underground investigation works that need to take place.

“As soon as these results have been received, repair works will commence. It is anticipated that these works will be completed by mid July.”

Mrs Le Grange said: “It makes it worse if you know people have reported it.

“I know things can’t be done immediately, but you would have thought they would after they’d had complaints.

“I know the owner of Bababoom in the High Road reported it before I fell.”