Parking restrictions by a station could be altered under new proposals.

Woodford Green councillors in Monkhams ward have suggested that measures designed to stop commuters from parking all day in the area west of Woodford Station be changed.

Currently cars are only allowed to park there for a maximum of one hour between 2pm and 3pm, but the councillors have proposed this is changed to 10am to 11am.

The restrictions have been in place for the last 20 years.

A consultation into the timings was held in 2011, but the results were roughly balanced both for and against, so no action was taken.

This latest attempt to alter the operation times of the restrictions will be discussed at an Area Two committee meeting on Tuesday at 7.15pm in Ray Lodge Primary School, Snakes Lane East, Woodford Green.

A council report ahead of the meeting states that if councillors agree to re-examine the timings then a review can be launched, which may include a new public consultation.