A gap-year student from Leyton could soon be walking from Tottenham Hale to Limehouse in a suit of armour.

Kalm Paul-Christian, 19, who took his GCSEs at Leytonstone Business and Enterprise College, will undertake the sponsored walk on May 25 in a costume to be decided by vote through social media – and one suggestion so far is the full suit of armour.

Making the most of his gap-year before going to study history at Oxford, Kalm is doing a series of charity events to raise funds and awareness for the International Citizen Service (ICS) programme, a development programme for young people who want to do voluntary development work abroad.

The aspiring lawyer is also planning a walk in early June from Stratford to north London, going past his old school and the different places he has worked.

Having worked for eight months of his gap-year at a law firm, Kalm decided to volunteer with ICS, and he will travel to Ghana on July 1 to do development work for three months.

Kalm said: “I want to get a wider experience of how the world is and bring that back home to give people a better understand of the opportunities they have here.”

He chose Ghana because he has friends from there and wants to get to know the culture.

He said he was interested in domestic development, including helping schools and young people and giving them the opportunities he has had, and that he saw his career heading in this direction.

His work there will include teaching students regular school subjects as well as doing business development workshops in the community and campaigning for human rights.

He added: “I want to give back using the skills I’ve developed.”

Kalm’s fundraising efforts are for ICS and all the money raised go to the next generation of ICS volunteers.

Visit www.justgiving.com/KalmPC for details.