Filmmaker Paul Johnstone, who appeared in last week’s Freetime appealing for donations to fund his new movie Versus, has reached his target.

Paul, who is based in Walthamstow, contacted the East London Guardian Series in a desperate bid to raise £8,000 to film the dark crime thriller.

Using crowdfunding website Kickstarter, he had until last Saturday, 1.30pm, to meet his goal, or he would have to forfeit all cash raised.

Facing a competitive fundraising market and sworn to secrecy as to which actors would be appearing in the picture, it looked uncertain as to whether Paul would reach his target, particularly as by Thursday, he had only 60 per cent of the project financed.

But he’s done it. In fact, he’s raised a grand total of £8,011.

“You guys are pretty damn awesome,“ says Paul. “Your constant support and patience has made our film project Versus a reality.

“It got a little tight at the end there, but we're now fully funded and can steam on ahead with getting the film made.

“As it stands, we are looking to shoot mid-summer and are prepping for that now. In the next week or two we will be meeting up with a rising and talented young actor, potentially our first major cast member.

“Thank you so much for believing in us and the project.“

Versus tells the story of two killers whose destinies collide. One killer’s latest victim is the son of an overlord, and in retaliation he’s dispatched this aging experienced assassin to take him out.

Stay tuned to find out what will happen next.

To follow Paul’s progress with Versus visit: or Twitter: @versusmovie