The true story of Verity Taylor, a 20-year-old woman who suffered from an undiagnosed mental disorder for years, incarcerated indefinitely, is brought to the stage, courtesy of the Drama Workshop of Waltham Forest.

In 1975, Verity was charged by police after setting fire to a chair in a mental hospital where she was a patient.

Sent to Holloway Prison and later to Rampton high security psychiatric hospital, she could not be released without the permission of the Home Secretary.

Written by American playwright Olwen Wymark, Find Me highlights the deficiencies of social services and hospitals at the time in dealing with Verity’s situation and assisting a family struggling to cope.

Find Me is at The Forest Community Centre, Guildford Road, Walthamstow, on May 24, 25 and 26. Details: 020 8524 7269