Chingford Horticultural Society has its first show of the year in under three weeks’ time.

The Early Summer Show takes place on June 8 in Mornington Hall on The Green Walk, opposite Ss Peter and Paul Parish Church at 2pm.

Plants will be available for sale, but due to all plant material being donated the society does not know what will be available until the day.

During the afternoon there will be tea, coffee, homemade cakes and a raffle.

There will also be an auction of flower material, donated by exhibiting members.

Anyone wishing to join the Society may do so on the day by seeking out Membership Secretary Lucy McClellan.

Entrance is by member’s ticket of 50p on the door.

There will be three more shows during the year, the Summer Show is on July 20, the Autumn Show is on August 31 and the Late Autumn Show is on October 26.