A student who is standing up to forced marriage and honour-based abuse has announced a fundraising dinner as part of an ongoing campaign.

Arifa Nasim, who turned 16 last month and is in year 11 at Walthamstow School for Girls, and a group of GCSE students will be hosting the dinner to raise awareness and funds for the charity Karma Nirvana, who support victims of forced marriage and honour-based abuses.

Arifa, granddaughter of the late Mohammed Miskeen Nasim, who was Deputy Council Leader and Mayor of Walthamstow, won a £300 grant through 02’s Think Big program for the idea, which her school matched. The school is giving her use of the hall for the dinner.

Arifa said her message to people who might be in situations like those she wants to help stop was ‘never give up’.

She said: “No matter what stage of a forced marriage you are in there is hope for you.

“Even if you have been taken abroad, it doesn’t matter how far into it you are.”

Arifa said her school, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher Nigel Straker and her aunt, who is assistant project manager, had all been incredibly supportive and together they are hoping to raise £5,000.

She also raised £200 from a bake sale that sold out in 30 minutes and she has also secured sponsorship from local businesses as well as the Hemraj Goyal Foundation.

She is hoping the event will be a success and is already thinking of hosting a bigger event next year at the council assembly hall in Walthamstow.

Arifa’s inspiration for this campaign against forced marriages began when she read a book by Jasvinder Sanghera, the founder of Karma Nirvana.

Since then, Arifa has had Ms Sanghera come to her school to talk on the subject to let more people know about the issue.

Ms Sanghera will speak at the dinner along with Chaz Akoshile, joint Head of the Forced Marriage Unit, a government body providing support, information and advice to anyone who has been through or is at risk of a forced marriage.

The dinner takes place on Tuesday July 2. 120 tickets, each at £20, are being made available.

For information on ticket sales, sponsorship or donations email forcedmarriage.wsfg@gmail.com.