More than 100 runners completed a five mile course in aid of a children’s charity.

Actors and married couple Linda Lusardi and Sam Kane started the five mile Epping Family Fun Run on Sunday, held in aid of the Rhys Daniels Trust, which is based in the town.

Organiser Julie Alderman said: “It was a great atmosphere. The weather was really lovely and Sam and Linda did a great job of starting the race and handing out the prizes.”

The charity provides places to stay near hospitals to the families of children enduring long spells of treatment away from home have somewhere to stay without having to worry about hotel bills.

It is currently fundraising for a home near a hospital in Southampton.

The amount raised by this year’s race is not yet known, but is likely to be more than £1,000.

A list of results is due to be published on the charity’s website,, shortly.