A housing trust is involved in a row with an authority over plans to build a bungalow for someone in need of a home.

The Theydon Trust wants to build a one-bedroom home in the back garden of one of its existing houses in Margaret Road, Epping, which it would rent out for less than the market value.

But planners at Epping Forest District Council have refused to give planning permission for the home, claiming it would be out of character with surrounding buildings and make the street cramped.

Trustee Michael Chapman said: “I don’t know what the district council is up to – it’s got a huge list of people needing accommodation.”

He said some people housed by the charity were from the council’s own 7,000-long waiting list, which it will soon remove 3,000 people from because of a lack of homes.

“There’s a huge need,” he added. “We’re only a small housing association, but we’re doing our bit for the people of Epping.”

Jessie James-Bates, 91, of nearby Margaret Close, said: “The bungalow wouldn’t make much difference.

“There’s quite a bit of ground out the back of the place.”

Kathleen Franklin, 86, who lives next to the plot where the bungalow would be built, said: “I don’t mind it being there.

“It’s going to give someone a home.”

The plans are due to be discussed at a council meeting tomorrow, where planners will argue that they show “a cramped and poor form of development that would be detrimental to the overall character and appearance of the street scene and surrounding area.”

The Theydon Trust is part of the Epping and Theydon Garnon Joint Charities group, which dates from the time of Henry VIII.