Parking restrictions by a station are to be reviewed.

Cars are currently only allowed to park for a maximum of one hour between 2pm and 3pm in the area west of Woodford Station, but councillors in Monkhams ward want the timings changed.

They argue that one hour restrictions between 10am and 11am would be better for businesses and encourage more people to use the area's restaurants at lunchtime.

One hour restrictions have been in place in the area for the last 20 years as a measure to stop commuters parking by the station for free all day.


Councillors on Redbridge Council's Area Two Committee voted four to two in favour of reviewing the restrictions, with the remaining councillors either abstaining or absent.

Conservative and Liberal Democrat councillors rowed at the meeting over whether a review was necessary.

A consultation into the timings was last held in 2011, but according to a council report the results were "inconclusive", so nothing was done.

Monkhams ward councillor Michael Stark told the meeting: "This is a very, very important issue and it must be done.

"It is clear that this has the support of the public and businesses".

But Roding ward Cllr Ian Bond said: "There is a lack of evidence [that the public support it].

"If this is such an important issue then why has not one resident or shopkeeper come to this meeting to explain why this change is so desperately needed?"


Council officers will now look at the proposals and, if councillors agree, a new consultation could be launched later this year.