More opportunities for girls to get into golf are being given in the district.

As Epping Forest District Council and North Weald Golf Course have joined forces to promote the sport, women are being offered lessons from an ex- professional player.

The first six week course will be for mothers and daughters, and grandmothers too, and will be held every Sunday from 9.30am until 10.30am, from July 7.

As the sessions are subsidised by the council the whole course will cost just £30 per team of two and equipment is provided.

From 11am until 12pm the second course will be for over 16s, whatever their ability.

The coach is a former European tour professional with more than 16 years of experience and the course will cost just £20.

Anyone who would like more information, or would like to book on to the programme, should contact Wendy on 0771 555 3222, or at wendy@gems