Proposals to co-ordinate the planning and funding of Christmas lights across the borough have been welcomed by councillors.

Redbridge Council wants to centralise the management of festive decorations following concerns about the "ad hoc" and inconsistent look of lighting across different shopping areas.

The authority claims residents and businesses will get better value for money and quality if an annual amount of each area committee's budget is set aside and managed by the council's Highways and Cleansing Services.

Currently lighting is funded and organised by each area committee of councillors in Redbridge, with funding often matched by businesses.

Woodford Green councillors at Tuesday's Area Two Committee welcomed the proposals.

Bridge ward's Cllr John Fairley-Churchill said that while he was not a fan of Christmas lights he hoped the proposals would improve the overall look of the borough's displays.

He said: "When you travel around the borough the complete mash-up of lights at the festive period is ridiculous.

"I do think it would be worthwhile if we have something a little bit more co-ordinated and thought-out".

The plans have not been universally welcomed however. In Seven Kings councillors have raised concerns that the area's unique 'Dove of Peace' lighting may be scrapped as a result.

But Cllr Fairley-Churchill said their worry about the issue "only encourages me to vote for this report even more".

The council is set to develop the proposals further later this year.