The secretary of a charitable trust which oversees a South Woodford mosque has condemned yesterday’s terrorist attack in south London.

A British soldier was hacked to death by extremists in a Woolwich Street, yesterday.

Following the murder one of the suspects was filmed demanding British troops be withdrawn from Afghanistan.

Witnesses also reported the attackers shouted Allahu Akbar (God is great) as they carried out the attack.

Qaiser Malik, secretary of the Qur’ani Murkuz Trust which oversees the South Woodford Muslim Community Centre Mosque in Mulberry Way condemned the murder.

He said: “What happened yesterday was utterly atrocious and barbaric and everyone associated with the mosque strongly condemns the actions of these fanatics.

“These were two people out to gain as much publicity as possible by committing terrible acts of violence and we hope they face the full force of the law for what they have done.”

Following yesterday’s incident far right group the English Defence League took to the streets of Woolwich.

Essex police also arrested a man who attempted to attack a mosque in Braintree.

Mr Malik said representatives of the mosque had been in contact with Redbridge police about increased patrols in the vicinity of Mulberry Way.

He said: “We expected that these right wing extremists would try to take advantage of the situation.

“We have been in dialogue with the police about an increased presence in the area of the mosque.

“Sue Williams (The Borough Commander of Redbridge police) is very alert and diligent and I know she will be acting to protect the community.”

Senior Redbridge police officers had been due to conduct street briefings as part of a London-wide crackdown on mobile phone theft and related crime today.

But the briefings at The Orchard Estate in Woodford Green and Redbridge Town Hall and the Loxford Polyclinic in Ilford Lane have been cancelled.

A spokesman for Redbridge police said that ‘Operation Big Wing’ (the codename for the crackdown on crime) would still be going ahead.

But he added: “I understand the street briefings have been cancelled following the events in Woolwich.”