Traders will demand CCTV cameras are installed at a shopping parade which has been hit by two robberies in the space of a month.

Time Gold Jewellers in The Broadway, Woodford Green, was robbed by a gang of five men last week.

And, in April, three robbers attacked a Securicor guard outside the NatWest bank.

The Woodford Traders Association (WTA), which represents shop owners from The Broadway, say they fear the area is being targeted.

Next week they will meet with Beverley Stratton, Town Centres & Business Improvement Districts Manager for Redbridge council to raise their concerns.

Monkhams ward councillor Jim O’Shea will also attend.

At a meeting of the council's area two committee on Tuesday night, Cllr O'Shea said traders would look to fund their own CCTV system if help from outside agencies did not materialise.

Speaking to the Guardian today, he said: “We want four cameras which should provide coverage of the whole of The Broadway and part of Snakes Lane West.

“The level of crime here is becoming unacceptable. It looks to me like the area is being actively targeted and we need action as soon as possible.”

Tracey Hounslow, of Care Optics optician in The Broadway says she also plans to ask for panic buttons to be installed in shops.

She said: “They already have them in some shops in South Woodford and I would like to see them here.

“Obviously with the recent robberies down here we have an issue which needs addressing.”

The WTA was set up in April to lobby the council over what it sees as extortionate pay and display charges, and that issue will also be raised at the meeting. But it is crime which will dominate.

Vicky Feldman of She She She clothing shop said: “I do think cameras would be a deterrent.

“But it would also be nice to see a few more police down here, too.”

Miss Feldman says a man with a wheelie bin full of stolen shoes came into her shop last week and intimidated her and her mother.

She said: “In our other shop in Shenfield we have a community policeman who is always walking up and down.

“Here you only see the police if there has been a robbery or some sort of incident at the tube station.”