A businessman is getting set to say goodbye to the high street after more than a decade of trade as he says that there is no future for independent retailers in the district’s town centres.

Shoe shop, Samana, has been on Loughton High Road for 12 years, although owner Richard Bloom’s family has owned footwear shops on high streets across Essex and London for more than 70 years.

Despite the closure of the store Mr Bloom, 36, says that moving out of the shop will give him more time and money to pour into his business.

He said: “The high streets have changed and people’s shopping habits have changed.

“We have been e-tailing for seven years now. I can sell shoes all around the world before I have even got out of bed in the morning, instead of standing in a shop all day.

“Mary Portas is trying to save something which is beyond help. The high streets will be around for many years to come, just not as we now know them.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if doctors and dentists move onto the high streets. They will soon be for service based shops.

Mr Bloom who was born into high street business says that now is the time for shop owners to get out.

He said: “The council do not do anything to help, either. I probably could have stayed a while longer but I had a row with them over the rates and payment plans, so I said that I would rather just leave.

“It is the same for many shops in Loughton.

“My family has had a good many years on high streets all over, but shopping is changing and we plan to move with the times. I am positive about the future.”