Parking restrictions in a narrow alley are being reviewed after a fire engine was unable to access a blaze at the back of a bar.

A fire broke out at the back of Switch bar in Station Passage, South Woodford, last Monday.

Bar manager Jamie Garwood was able to extinguish the fire with help from neighbours, but a fire engine could find no way past the cars parked in the alley.

The owners of Switch have raised concerns with the council about the lack of access in Station Passage prior to Monday’s incident.

Today, a spokesman for the council said: “Redbridge council is reviewing the restrictions in Station Passage with a view to ensuring that a balance is struck between the needs of residents and businesses, while ensuring that emergency services have the access they may need to the area.”

John Garwood, who owns Switch, said: “I think they are just sidestepping the whole issue again.

“This is a service road, not a car park. If the fire had been more serious this could have been much worse.

“We have been down this path so many times with the council.

“They say they will look at things and then it just gets left to drift.”