AN investigation is under way after claims a homeowner painted his own road markings and erected phony 'no parking' signs opposite his house.

The resident, of Broomhill Road in Woodford Green, has installed three bright yellow notices fixed into the ground with metallic poles which declare "Parking for Permit Holders Only" - despite there being no council parking restrictions in the street.

The signs are on a patch of earth between the road surface and Epping Forest land, sparking confusion about which authority is responsible for the land.

Both the Corporation of London, which maintains the green next to Broomhill Road, and Redbridge Council have said the land does not belong to them.

The council is now investigating the issue of ownership and is considering legal action, with the hope of removing the signs as soon as possible.

When approached by the Guardian the resident, whose name has not been made public, refused to discuss the issue but admitted he was responsible for the signs.

He said he was confident that the council "wasn't going to move them".

"It's none of your business," the man added.

Woodford Green Conservative Cllr Michael Stark said the section of road had been painted with a thick white line months ago but that the signs had only recently been erected.

Cllr Stark said: "He's taken it over as his own personal parking space.

"This has been going on for a time but it is complicated because of the legal position of who owns the land.

"It's clear he's getting more determined and something must be done, otherwise he'll probably take out the whole road".

Neighbour Michael Kendall-Torry, 56, agreed residents were concerned.

He said: "What he's done has ruined the verge - there shouldn't be any parking there.

"I agree the signs should be removed but it does seem like it is on land belonging to the Corporation of London.

"The problem is ever since the car park at [nearby] Hawkey Hall was closed to the public we've been getting more cars parking here. A lot of commuters also park all day here.

"It doesn't affect me too much as I don't drive but perhaps there should be proper parking restrictions".

Cliff Woolnoth, from Redbridge Council's Highways and Cleansing department, told an Area Two Committee meeting this week: "[The resident] is taking advantage of a piece of land which seemingly belongs to no-one.

"Redbridge Council's investigations are on-going".