Several people enthusiastically gripped their spray paint cans and are commiting to Graffiti and Spray art workshops held at Clementswood Community Centre, which started on Tuesday 28th May and will finish on Friday. Many children (approximately 20) contributed to the mural designed for the Community Centre's wall and created displays for parks and outdoor centres as well as pieces of art to take home to treasure. The tasks entail teamwork, co-operation and taught the value fo coherency, therefore bringing the community together.

Moreover, children learnt how to change their writing styles and to explore different images and take initiative for their own interpretations of artistic portraits. The discovery for the children of how letters and words can reflect themes such as faith, peace, harmony with others and friendship was enlightening and was a thought-provoking session. The event is a hopeful trigger for more modern artworks from the future generations and for children to understand the importance of innovation and creativity. Some artwork pieces were created on wood and will be put in an exhibition at Redbridge Central Library in Ilford, alongside being places in parks. It seems this is a cause to unite people in society and to raise needed awareness of the significance of art, challenging the idea that the sole purpose of art is to make an object 'look good'.