THE first tenant of the Legacy Business Centre is the ANVIL Theatre, the brainchild of actor and director Frank Scantori.

It is a most unusual company, providing live drama on stage for blind and visually impaired people. The name is an acronym for Audio Non-Visual Theatre.

"We take the company out to blind associations," said Mr Scantori, who lives in Leyton only five minutes walk away from his new business premises and is, among other things, a member of Waltham Forest Arts Council.

"The aim is to improve the quality of life and social outlook for blind people. Instead of just sitting at home listening to the Radio 4's play for the day, they have the opportunity to enjoy live theatre together."

Cast members, all professional actors, are on stage and have individual microphones. They do not move around, but the sound effects are designed to surround the audience. Sighted people attending the events are asked to close their eyes or wear a blindfold to appreciate the full experience.

"It is like three-dimensional radio," said Mr Scantori, who first started toying with the possibilities when he experienced a period of temporary blindness after contact lenses lacerated his eyeballs in his teens.

Throughout his successful career in the theatre, radio and film, he has been developing the idea to the point where he now employs actors and technicians to put the productions on.

Locally, the first one to be put on for an audience of 55 blind people plus sighted friends at Frederic Street community centre, Walthamstow, was such a hit that another one is coming soon.

Getting the tenancy of a secluded basement unit at the Legacy Business Centre - "We make a lot of noise with our sound effects and rehearsals" - has been a real boost for ANVIL which is a not-for-profit company and seeks sponsorship and funding to put on plays without charging the audiences.

You can find out more about ANVIL on its website,