A hairdresser screamed “the system is f***ed” after she was jailed for 12 years for glassing a man in the face as he lay unconscious in the street.

Neah Tuohy, of Gravel Close in Chigwell, joined a friend for drinks at Sidney's Bar and Lounge in Gants Hill, Essex, to celebrate St Patrick's Day last year.

The pair were removed from the pub after an argument broke out with Levi Miller and his girlfriend.

Tuohy, 24, wandered off clutching her drink towards Cranbrook Road but a full-blown fight blew up between the parties at a nearby taxi rank.

When Mr Miller was knocked out cold, Tuohy reached for her glass and thrust it into his face twice, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard on Friday (May 13).

He was left with permanent scars by his left eyebrow and just below his chin.

Tuohy denied wounding with intent but was convicted by a jury after a trial.

The court heard she has a history of violence and was previously convicted of offences including common assault, using threatening behaviour and causing actual bodily harm.

Tuohy was once locked up for setting fire to her ex-boyfriend's front door and in 2012 she was jailed for knifing a man in the buttocks at a house party.

The licence period on that sentence had barely expired before she carried out her latest offence.

Judge Sheelagh Canavan said: “For a 24-year-old woman you have what can only be described as an appalling history of violence.

“From the age of 14, you have regularly throughout your lifetime lost your temper.

“When you lose your temper you react by being violent towards others.

“At times that has manifested in making threats of violence towards people but on a number of occasions you have gone beyond that and you have been physically violent towards others.

“You lose your temper – you respond violently.

“If you are in drink it is that much worse.

“It is clear to me that at this point Mr Miller was particularly vulnerable.

“He was lying unconscious on the floor.

“You then armed yourself, I am sure for the purpose of stabbing Mr Miller in the face, because – once again – you had lost your temper completely.

“It is luck more than judgement you did not blind him or indeed kill him because that is how dangerous what you did to him was.”

Tuohy again lost her rag as she was escorted from the dock, shouting: “The system is f***ed.

“People get less for killing people.

“He battered me.

“I'm not having it.”

She was jailed for 12 years and ordered to pay a £120 surcharge.