A RECYCLING plant will be replaced with 730 new homes, a primary school and offices.

Gateway Road, Leyton, will be turned into a mini village with 21 per cent of the homes being affordable. 

Bywaters Recycling Company, who put forward the plans, will move to its other site in Bow.

The plans, which include eight buildings, were approved at a meeting of Waltham Forest Council’s planning committee on Tuesday, November 8.

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John Glover, the managing director of Bywaters, said the development will benefit small businesses who can rent out office space.

He said: “We are extremely pleased that Waltham Forest planning committee recognises the benefits the scheme will bring to the area, including 730 new homes and 4,500 sq m of new commercial space.

“These promise to activate the local area, and create more footfall for local businesses.

“Once the development is built out it will deliver much-needed homes in the local area and help to create a thriving business community with space designed for SMEs and entrepreneurs.

“The entire development will constitute a scheme the whole of Leyton and Waltham Forest will be proud of”.

The application is now subject to formal approval from the mayor of London, and the completion of a section 106 agreement with Waltham Forest Council.