THE FIRST woman to lead Ofcom returned to her former school to chat to students about the importance of the career choices they make.

Sharon White visited Connaught School for Girls in Connaught Road, Leytonstone, on Tuesday, June 6.

The 50-year-old economist was born and raised in Leyton. She made history in March 2015 when she was appointed chief executive of the media regulator, becoming the first female and black person to hold the title.

“Sharon engaged all the students in a truly motivational assembly about her upbringing, education and successful career,” said Head teacher Sally Walker.

East London and West Essex Guardian Series:

“I am always eager to raise the aspirations of our girls and encourage them to believe that the world can be their oyster.

“There's no better way than hearing first hand from former students.

“Sharon inspired the girls. It was an absolute pleasure to have her in our school.”

Ms White focused on the role of inspirational women can have on the career paths of young girls in her assembly.

She served as second permanent secretary at the Treasury for two years before taking on her role at Ofcom.

Married to economist Richard Chote, formerly of the International Monetary Fund, the two have been dubbed ‘Mr and Mrs Treasury’.

Mrs White said: “It was a real pleasure to go back to Connaught. The three years I spent there, when it was a middle school, were amongst the happiest of my school life.

“The school had some exceptional teachers who inspired me and others to achieve more than we had ever thought possible.”