WALTHAM Forest residents are criticising the council for double standards over its recycling scheme, while some are considering refusal to comply.

Despite compulsory recycling being introduced on September 10, the council is still receiving complaints about collection days being changed, boxes being lost, and missed collections.

John Higgins of Hatherley Road, Walthamstow, wrote: "I presume the perfomance targets on you are as useless as those imposed on failed tube consortium Metronet.

"At least we will have an argument when the council tries to fine those who do not recycle: I would love to, but your contractor could not organise the proverbial drink up in a brewery so I am unable to'."

Another resident said: "I would like to know how the council can justify imposing this new compulsory recycling scheme when council buildings do not recycle. Bags of waste paper and cans get thrown out each day at the council office I work in."

Two Verdant employees recently criticised their working conditions, and said some of the lorries get full up before collections are completed. Verdant is now investigating a complaint about one of its employees peeing in the street.

Monitoring of compulsory recycling has still not begun, despite the council promising to launch it on September 24, allowing time for residents to get used to the scheme.

What's the council's assessment of the situation? "It has been challenging. Some collections have been late, but missed collections are being kept to a minimum," said a spokesman.

The council has also apologised to residents who had collection days changed for green garden waste were initially sent letters with the wrong date on.

Environment cabinet member Bob Belam said the service was changing to deal with the increase in recycling - up to 15 lorry loads per week extra - and there might be a "slight time lag" while this took place.

He added: "We do appreciate that the huge increase in recycling has led to some problems with the service in recent weeks. We will be working to ensure that our recycling service remains one of the best in London."

He added that residents would be fined only for persistent non-recycling.