Around £50,000 has been donated to London’s Air Ambulance Charity so that they can continue their response to Covid-19.

Phoenix Group, a life and pensions consolidator, donated the money as part of their six-year partnership with the charity since 2014.

The partnership was due to end in the Spring, but has been extended to the end of 2020 so that further support to the charity could continue.

The service runs closely with the Barts Health NHS Trust, and provides help to its hospitals such as Whipps Cross Hospital and assists patient transfers to the Nightingale Hospital.

London’s Air Ambulance also operates the Physician Response Unit (PRU), a community care service that attends to people in their own home.

The PRU is working to relieve some of the pressures on the NHS due to Covid-19 and help vulnerable patients avoid a trip to hospital.

Due to the pandemic, London’s Air Ambulance Charity have been looking at alternative means of fundraising as it has had to cancel upcoming events.

Anthony Briggs, the CEO at Phoenix Group, said: “It is vital we recognise the life-changing efforts of the London’s Air Ambulance Charity and the unprecedented demands for their service at this time. They need more funds to survive and help others.

“As our long-term charity partner, it is our duty to donate and this small measure is part of our wider commitment to support communities across the UK battling the effects of Covid-19.

“At this time of economic and social uncertainty, all charities are vulnerable and we urge financially-able businesses to join us in our providing Air Ambulance charities with a vital lifeline.”

Jonathan Jenkins, the CEO of London’s Air Ambulance Charity, thanked the efforts of Phoenix Group and said their employees have gone “the extra mile” since partnering in 2014.

He added: Trauma does not stop during a pandemic and these funds will help us continue to be there for London during these challenging times.”