COUNCIL chiefs are backing Loughton Swimmers Club in their fight to be allowed to continue to use Loughton Pool on Monday evenings.

Sports Leisure Management, which manages the district council's leisure centres and pools on behalf of the authority, has said it wants to end the current arrangement from April 1, to allow the time at the Traps Hill pool to be used for public swimming.

But the decision has angered club members, and senior council figures.

Sandra Nicholls, of Marjorams Avenue, in Loughton - whose two sons both regularly attend the Monday club sessions - told the Guardian she was "flabbergasted" at the decision.

In a letter she said: "How dare they take this decision so lightly and displace nearly 200 children from regular swimming lessons and exercise.

"I hope there is enough of a backlash from everyone in the community and the swimmers themselves who attend Loughton Swimmers to get this appalling decision reconsidered."

Leisure portfolio holder councillor Mitch Cohen told last night's cabinet meeting that the club, which has been in existence for over 40 years, has complained to the council about SLM's decision to effectively "evict" the club from next month.

Mr Cohen told the meeting: "We are very concerned that SLM have made the decision that they have and we have made representations at officer level."

The matter will be discussed at a meeting being held on Thursday between senior SLM management, Mr Cohen and finance portfolio holder Chris Whitbread.

Mr Cohen added: "We intend to make it very clear that the council is very unhappy about the decision that has been made."