PROTESTS by residents were ignored by councillors when they approved a conversion of a disused factory in Walthamstow.

Placards with messages like 'responsible development please' were displayed by residents throughout the debate during last Wednesday's council planning meeting.

Pauline Alabaster, of Bramley Close, spoke out against the development.

She said: "We have two further developments yards from where this is planned. One is for more than 300 flats in St Andrews Court and another a second development of four flats in Bramley Close.

"There is a chronic lack of transport round here. The W15 is the only bus route round here and it is always packed."

Applicant Matchbond Investment pledged to contribute £10,000 towards the maintenance of public parks in Higham Hill.

But Francis Dismore, of Oakfield Road, said she was concerned that street gangs targeting young children in local parks would be encouraged to continue criminal activity.

Residents are concerned about the development's intensity, the size of the basement carpark not being adequate in already congested streets, security concerns about access to the basement, loss of street space and fears that emergency vehicles are not able to get to Oakfield Road.

They are also worried about loss of privacy and the impact on local schools, doctors and public transport.

Cllr Bob Wheatley said: "I think it would be wrong to pass this item."

But Cllr Milton Martin disagreed.

"I don't see anything better proposed in its place," he said.

Applicant Matchbond Investment applied to convert a disused factory in Oakfield Road into ten flats and underground parking.

Their application has been rejected or withdrawn by the council's planning committee on four previous occasions.

The council sent letters to 60 to 72 even, 59, 71, and 109 odd in Oakfield Road, 36 to 42 even in Claremont Road and 98 to 144 even including community building Unity Hall and 125 to 177 odd in Bramley Close.

A press notice was put in The Guardian and there were site notices and the council received 22 letters of objection.

Councillors voted six to two in favour of the application.