A health warning has been issued as a heatwave continues to sizzle London.

The yellow weather warning will be in effect from 9am today (Friday, August 2) through to 9am tomorrow (Saturday, August 3).

This warning, issued by the UKHSA, will impact London as well as the south east of England, the east midlands and the east of England.

Today, the Met Office forecasts temperatures to reach highs of 28 degrees in London at around 4pm and lows of 21 degrees at around 11pm tonight.

The weather is set to be sunny with some clouds for most of the day.

Tomorrow, the Met Office predicts weather to be much cooler, reaching highs of 22 degrees at around 4pm.

At 6am tomorrow, the weather is likely to be much cooler as the Met Office forecasts 18 degree temperatures.

There will also be some rain tomorrow from around 11am through to 7pm according to the Met Office.

We have compiled an hour-by-hour weather forecast for you today as the health alert is in plac so that you can stay safe in the heat:

10am – 22 degrees

11am – 23 degrees

12pm – 24 degrees

1pm – 25 degrees

2pm – 26 degrees

3pm – 27 degrees

4pm – 28 degrees

5pm – 28 degrees

6pm – 27 degrees

7pm – 27 degrees

8pm – 25 degrees

9pm – 24 degrees

10pm – 22 degrees

11pm – 21 degrees

As a result of temperatures being so high, the UKHSA has warned that there will likely be minor impacts across the health care and social sector.

These include more of the vulnerable population using healthcare services, an increase in the risk of death amongst the vulnerable population and an increased potential for places indoors to get very warm.

According to the UKHSA, hot weather can cause some people to become unwell through overheating (becoming uncomfortably hot), dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

The UKHSA has issued advice to stay safe in the heat next week:

  • Keep out of the sun at the hottest time of the day, between 11am and 3pm.
  • If you are going to do a physical activity (for example exercise or walking the dog), plan to do these during times of the day when it is cooler such as the morning or evening.
  • Keep your home cool by closing windows and curtains in rooms that face the sun.
  • If you do go outside, cover up with suitable clothing such as an appropriate hat and sunglasses, seek shade and apply sunscreen.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and limit your alcohol intake.
  • Check on family, friends and neighbours who may be at higher risk of becoming unwell, and if you are at higher risk, ask them to do the same for you.
  • Know the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and what to do if you or someone else has them.

Who is at risk of becoming unwell in hot weather?

Anyone can become unwell when the weather is hot.

The UKHSA has said that people who are at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell include:

  • Older people aged 65 years and over (note change from previous guidance of 75 years of age and above).
  • Babies and young children aged 5 years and under.
  • People with underlying health conditions particularly heart problems, breathing problems, dementia, diabetes, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease, or mobility problems.
  • People on certain medications.
  • People with serious mental health problems.
  • People who are already ill and dehydrated (for example from diarrhoea and vomiting).
  • People who experience alcohol or drug dependence.
  • People who are physically active and spend a lot of time outside such as runners, cyclists and walkers.
  • People who work in jobs that require manual labour or extensive time outside.
  • People experiencing homelessness, including rough sleepers and those who are unable to make adaptations to their living accommodation such as sofa surfers or living in hostels.
  • People who live alone and may be unable to care for themselves.