Businesses in Walthamstow have begun to reopen after shutting amid riot rumours. 

Shops have begun to have boarding removed from their windows and shopfronts as the town resumes trading following a feared riot last night (August 7). 

Instead, thousands of people turned out for an anti-racism demonstration.

Boarding was still up at around 9am this morningBoarding was still up at around 9am this morning (Image: Olivia Carter) The area was just one London borough named on a list of alleged riot targets, which resulted in several businesses closing early and others taking precautionary measures by putting up boarding. 

Estate agents Settle, Central Estates, and The Stow Brothers all had boarding to their windows. 

The boards on The Stow Brothers came down first, with the ones on Central Estates coming down later in the morning. 

The boarding at The Stow Brothers was in the process of being taken down.The boarding at The Stow Brothers was in the process of being taken down (Image: Olivia Carter) Steel barriers were seen stacked on the side of Hoe Street following last night's demonstration, which saw an estimated 10,000 people turn out.

RELATED: From counter-protests to arrests – a round up of the ‘riots’ in London last night

A dispersal order had been put in place by the Met from 2pm on August 7, until 4am this morning, with a section 60 order giving responding officers the power to stop and search without reason. 

Steel barriers were seen stacked on the pavementSteel barriers were seen stacked on the pavement (Image: Olivia Carter) The council warned people to avoid Walthamstow Central Station, in particular from Selborne Road, and Hoe Street from Queens Road to Church Hill.

The station is operating as usual, as several community police officers remain in the area.